marți, 10 noiembrie 2015

Set babywearing

Because I like to play with colors, and crocheted beads are so loved by my dear carrier mothers, I thought to enrich a little the collection of necklaces for breastfeeding with new color mixes; also, I've added an accessory that can be worn as a bracelet or just a teething toy for the little one.
The first set was inspired by a green and refreshing lemonade, perfect for the hot summer days.

                                                        Set " FRESH LEMONADE "

For the second, I chose some light colors inspired by the fondants candies; some of the few candies I enjoyed with pleasure when I was a kid.
SWEET FONDANTS makes your relish for something sweet and good, every time you wear it ;)

A bit of romance in my collection with PERFECT PINK. You may wonder why " perfect", well..... "La vie en rose",  cherry blossom, the blushed cheeks of the children are just a few of those perfect things that make me smile and enjoy life.

                                                          Set " PERFECT PINK "

Another beautiful color mix ...... AUTUMN AVENUE inspired by the colors that autumn season delights us. From golden yellow to coppery red, warm colors which nature garnishes us the most beautiful paint.
                                                           Set " AUTUMN AVENUE "

The last finish, but not the inspiration and 2 color mixes, which I called UNDER THE SEA.

I hope you enjoyed my proposals and I'm waiting for yours.

vineri, 30 octombrie 2015

Halloween jewelry set

I don't like to celebrate, but I'm always like to accesorized ;)
I've seen these days pro/contra opinions about this holiday; .... I'm somewhere between, I can not say that I don't like it, but I don't dislike it so bad; what I don't like ...... well, those hideous costumes  of skeletons and vampires full of blood and disfigured faces, brrrr .... look terrible; instead, I like pumpkins carved and decorated, even to eat them, they are so tasty in any form of cooking .... yummii.
But I'm not talking about this holiday, and about SWEET PUMPKIN set, a necklace with assorted bead earrings, made to a mothers' whish who wanted to wear something in tune with the Halloween kids party.
So, the necklace can be worn by any breastfeeding mother, the little ones will surely be delighted by the contrast between the two colors, bright orange and duck egg color (I don't know how to say in english).
Like all of my babywearing necklaces, not only breastfeeding mothers can worn it, but anyone who loves art and especially handmade crocheted accessories; that's why I've made also, assorted earrings.

I hope you enjoy my new items and I'm expecting your proposal:)

joi, 29 octombrie 2015

Crosetam povesti vikinge

N-am mai postat de ceva timp, dar revin cu noutati frumoase, acesta fiind si principalul motiv pentru care am lipsit o perioada; Acum la sfarsit de octombrie sa va arat ce-am mai lucrat ;)
Azi o sa ma laud cu o " familie de vikingi ", asa am denumit eu ultimul proiect, o frumoasa provocare pe care am acceptat-o acum o luna si care mi-a luat ceva timp de gandire despre cum va arata; eu sunt foarte incantata de de obicei :), sper ca si " vikingii" mei sa fie.
Tema, evident despre vikingi, iar subiectul trebuia sa contina o papusa - printesa razboinica, pentru o bebelusa, un colier de alaptare pentru mami si in premiera, un colier pentru tati.

Nu stiam prea multe lucruri despre vikingi, decat ca erau un popor de navigatori si bravi razboinici, bine...nici acum nu pot sa spun ca stiu prea multe, dar am selectat cateva idei care m-au inspirat in proiectul meu.

Ca sursa de inspiratie pentru papusa, am avut-o pe Astrid, o razboinica isteata si neinfricata, personajul principal din "How to train your dragon " ( film de animatie ); draguta inspiratie nu-i asa ?
A mea papusa n-are tinte si alte metale, nici mi-ar fi placut, dar fiind destinata unei bebeluse, am creat-o cat mai baby-friendly, doar fir bumbac si umplutura hipoalergenica.
Am pastrat cromatica si bineinteles am adaugat si celebrul coif de viking. Sper sa o incante pe micuta si sa-i fie un prieten de nadejde.

La coliere a fost ceva mai greu pana m-am decis cum sa le fac, in primul rand ca nu am mai lucrat pana acum pentru tatici, in al doilea rand ca trebuia sa le dau colierelor ceva influente vikinge; si uite asa am descoperit simbolurile din mitologia nordica, simboluri f des intalnite in bijuteriile vikinge sau in tatuaje.

Pentru colierul mamei am ales ca simbol, spirala tripla, ale carei origini nu le cunosc, avind in vedere ca apare si la vikingi, dar si la celti, dar se pare ca este unul dintre cele mai vechi simboluri ale spiritualitatii umane; De ce l-am ales pentru colierul mamei : pentru ca este legat de simbolul cercului  ( simbol antic al zeitei, al pantecelui femeii, al fertilitatii, al fortei feminine si evolutiei universului ); am adaugat si niste bilute de lemn imbracate in bumbac, precum si un cerculet de lemn, numai bune de descoperit si molfait, fiind totusi un colier de alaptare ;)

La colierul tatalui, evident m-am legat de un simbol masculin, the Helm of Awe, unul dintre cele mai misterioase si mai puternice simboluri in mitologia nordica; des intalnit in echipamentul razboinicilor vikingi, se pare ca inducea frica si oferea protectie impotriva abuzului de putere.  Si pentru ca si tatal bebelusei este implicat in procesul de babywearing, i-am adaugat si acestui colier un cerculet de lemn, foarte usor de prins de manutele mici.

Cam asta a fost povestea despre " familia de vikingi ", sper ca v-a placut si astept noi provocari din partea voastra.
Pozele mai in detaliu, le puteti gasi pe paginea mea de FB

joi, 1 octombrie 2015

" Shabby chic" necklaces

"Shabby chic" is a style that I really like, whereas combines hamoniously the old and the new, by highlighting forgotten things ..... another passion of mine;)
Coming back to my collection, I named so because they are made of recycled fabrics, indian sari silk and I could say ... .. they look 'tres chic'.

Since I was a little I liked to " play " with different type of materials and do stuff, such as flowers, brooches, ribbons or clothes for dolls. Lucky me I had a stock of recycled fabrics, at that time my grandfather worked at a textile factory and was gathering material samples all the time; not to mention the clothes cut and modified, so many things have passed through my hands  ....
Recently, all these actions merge in a single word: recycling, nothing throws away, everything changes; Searching on net for recycled textile ideas, I found all kind of wonders, made from scrap materials (yarns, strips) left over from the manufacture of the famous indian tunics, Sari type ... .and it was love of first sight ;)
How many things you can create with these materials, from brooches and necklaces to jackets, bags and other decoration items.
Their beauty is that they are full of texture, rich and vibrant colors and no one is alike to each other.

That's why, the Shabby Chic jewells are unique and I invite you to admire my unique necklaces. 
Among them you will see a necklace made from strips of recycled jeans, why not?

                                                                " Almond strings "

                                                           " Shabby flowers, no2 "
                                                           " Shabby flowers, no1 "

                                                               " Shabby silk "

                                                                " Shabby jeans "

If I gave you ideas and you have two skilled hands, I invite you to share them,  unless I'm looking for your "eco-friendly" proposals......... I can not wait to shake my hands :)) 
Lately, I laid my eyes on my scarves collection .... I'm just wait to see what will lool like the new recycled items.

Until then .... keep calm and enjoy recycling !!!


joi, 24 septembrie 2015

Nursing necklaces - part II

About this time one year ago, I've creted my first necklace for breastfeeding and this thanks to my sister, who recently became a mother and she was very curious to test a necklace like this.
Having an eternal passion for flowers, of course I didn't have great confidence that something will come out of those crocheted balls, yeah ..... I thought, a necklace with colored balls, whatever, do it and move on with my flowers................but it was not so;)
After a little research about how it should look, their functionality and after I've seen the miracles from russian hands, the project began to take shape and one by one I imagined what can I do with these wooden beads; you must know that each necklace has a story, there are not simply strung beads, stories that you'll find in this blog; here is the beggining of the story, part I
I am very excited about this project, I proud myself that almost all of my nursing necklaces are original, with a few exceptions where I inspired and not copied, as others do.
The ideas came and inspired me by moment, most of them from what I like most: live nature with flowers, fruits and butterflies, sweets of all kinds, specific themes for every season, but I must say that I received also, beautiful ideas from moms and I thank them for that.
Also colors, I have to say something about color, if I brag myself now; I always liked to mix colors  ..... in my outfits, decorating my house (who has been there, knows that;)),  in food,  anywhere and anytime, colors are part of my life. I can not say that I've studied a colors theory, but my artistic spirit helped me every time :)
So, my necklaces are not just breastfeeding necklaces, they are creations with soul, passion and love for handmade art.
Enough bragging, let's post what I worked in the meantime:

Colier " Chip & Dale "

The story of my nursing necklaces will continues, I still have many colorful surprises for you, and of course I'm waiting for your proposals.
Being an anniversary post, I would like to thank all those who appreciated my creations, with some of you we met face to face, others only virtually, but even so, my dear moms, you are great for what you do and give away !!!!
SO ... keep Babywearing and go on !!!!

luni, 14 septembrie 2015

Necklace " Autumn bouquet "

It's autumn outside, but not in my soul
Only the rustle leaves that fall gently, always saddens me
But no I'm no sad at all, because autumn brings with it
Thousands of warm colors and wealth everywhere.

Yes, according to calendar, it began the fall season and we take full advantage of what offers us this charming season.
From beautiful landscapes and multicolored harvest, to the first day of school with all kinds of emotions. Because nature and flowers were always, my best source of inspiration,I created a beautiful necklace for fall collection; a multicolored  bouquet with the most representative autumn flowers, aster or callistephus.

I'm in love with these flowers since I was a child and I was playing in grandparents' garden, a garden full of colors and many flowers as asters and dahlias.
Known as the aster (star) or Callistephus (the most beautiful crown), this flower symbolizes fidelity, grace, strength and love.
There are so many legends about the appearance of these flowers on earth, considered sacred flower for Greek and Roman gods; one of this legends said that Asteria (goddess of stars) started to cry, being upset that earth didn't have stars; so, her tears turned into aster flowers.

From legends since today, it says that this flower could be offer to someone you love and appreciate her elegance, but also patience ..... an essential element when creating something.
So, with great care and patience, from my love to flowers and colors and from my handmade passion, it appeared necklace "Autumn bouquet"; a necklace that will brighten any dreary autumn day;
very important thing, as all my creations , this necklace is unique and original;)

I hope you liked the story behind this necklace and I'm always waiting for new proposals 

marți, 8 septembrie 2015

Mariuca si Maya - BFF

La inceputul verii am primit o propunere, foarte interesanta, in prima faza am fost tentata sa renunt, dar dupa ce am primit si alte detalii si in special mesajul acestei propuneri, am acceptat, iar acum la final, sunt foarte incantata de rezultat.

Tema era asa : doua papusi crosetate, cu alura de bebelus, dar stilizate intr-un anumit fel; cuvintele cheie : prietenie, amprenta personala, doua bebeluse superbe Mariuca si Maya, un wrap cu balene ( la final balena a fost delfin ), pantalonasi indian style si un tutu turcoaz; acesta din urma l-am ochit eu cautind indicii ;), iar mamica a fost de acord.
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa ma gandesc cum sa incep, de unde, avind in vedere ca n-am mai crosetat papusi pana acum, iar modelele crosetate de pe net pur si simplu nu m-au inspirat; dar ca de fiecare data, mi-am lasat imaginatia sa zboare si cu cateva idei gasite ici de colo, am ajuns la final.
Asadar, iata-le pe cele doua papusi, prietene, ce vor sta departe una de cealalta, dar pe care distanta nu le va desparti.

Papusa balerina Mariuca, micuta si sfioasa, ce in curind va incepe o noua viata undeva prin America de Sud.
 Si micuta creola Maya,  papusa exotica ce va ramane pe plaiurile romanesti.

Am facut prezentarile, sper ca cele doua papusi sa transmita mesajul de prietenie pe care si l-a dorit mamica uneia dintre fetite si va las la final niste versuri frumoase gasite pe net, potrivite pentru tema ce-am avut-o.

" Prietenia-i ca o floare/Si poate rezista in timp,
   De are apa si mult soare/Traieste-n orice anotimp.
   Prietenia-i o poveste/Miracol fara de sfarsit,
   E raza blanda, sus, pe creste/ Lumina-n visul nesfarsit.
   Prietenia-i un tezaur/Pastrat in inima pe veci,
   E bulgare de tainic, aur/Si foc nestins in zile reci"

So.....keep calm because friendship is magic !!!!!

miercuri, 5 august 2015

Necklace Watermelon

" Full of water/ Full of sweet
Juicy, messy / Treat to eat.
Dessert of summer / Picnic jewel
Ruby red / and cool !! "

Guess what........ it's about the star fruit of August, the watermelon.
There is no other fruit for hot summer days, than watermelon; full of antioxidants and vitamins, excellent hydration source, but also the inspiration for my necklace;)

"Watermelon" created especially for breastfeeding mothers, but not only ....;)
 It's a baby friendly item, made with natural wood beads and cotton yarn, accessorised with flowers and a slice of watermelon;
Yummmi, cheerful, colorful and just perfect for the little ones to chew on......don't you agreed ?

Well.......I hope you enjoyed my new necklace, full of flavors and vitamins, which is my own the way; now, I invite you to enjoy some of the curiosities less known, about watermelon collected from the internet or "connoisseurs"
1. We know that it's a fruit, watermelon is actually a vegetable related with melon and cucumber.
2. We eat it as a dessert, but it's so delicious as an appetizer, with cheese or salads ...... our parents and grandparents know best;)
3. We use to eat only the core, but all parts are edible, core, shell and seeds; I recently learned from a friend from USA, who told me that they don't throw anything from watermelon and she prepared an excellent salad with watermelon shells. Also, Asians have some food recipes with watermelon shells ..... they look very yummmi
4. Shell can be used also as a snack, especially for those with blood pressure problems or obesity; the active ingredient, citrulline, improves blood circulation.
4. The seeds, full of benefits and what is more interesting, they could treat the diabet type II; however, keep attention how you eat, milled or tea, I think it's best
5. Also seeds improve libido and virility, so they are a good source of natural viagra;)
I hope I convinced you by watermelon beneffits and don't forget to appreciate of what Mother Nature gives us, for me.............................always an inspiration source.

For orders please visit my etsy shop

marți, 4 august 2015

Colier " Ocean beauty "

Am mai spus ca-mi place vara si motivele pentru care iubesc atat de mult acest anotimp. Dar cel mai mult iubesc vacantele la mare, nu conteaza unde, doar plaja si mare sa fie; O sursa continua de relaxare si incarcare cu energie pozitiva, marea si frumusetile ei mi-au dat si de data asta inspiratie si astfel am realizat acest superb colier " Ocean Beauty "
Este un colier statement, acel accesoriu impresionant care face diferenta.

La realizarea lui, am imbinat cateva stelute de mare, melcisori si o scoica, toate crosetate in stilul freeform. Pentru un plus de culoare, dar fara.....savoare ;), am adaugat si niste alge de mare....pam pam. 
La baza colierului am adaugat un sirag de scoici naturale. 
Colierul are lungimea reglabila, snurul se leaga la spate. 
Asadar, pentru toate cele ce indragesc marea si arta handmade, acest colier poate fi cel mai potrivit cadou; Poarta-l si marea va fi mai aproape.

Si cum am spus mai sus, fiind un colier crosetat in tehnica freeform, este imposibil de reprodus, ceea ce-l face unic si original. La cerere se poate realiza un model similar.
Daca v-a placut colierul, va invit sa admirati si alte modele cu iz de mare, pe pagina mea de FB si orice propunere este binevenita.

marți, 28 iulie 2015

Wild flowers crowns - part I

Flori de camp viu colorate
In coronite le-am impletit pe toate
Mini-roses multicolori,
Cu miros imbietor
Maci gingasi, ispititori
Cu al lor simt ametitor
Margarete alegrete
Cu petalele cochete
Albastrele frumusele
Curative, mititele
Floarea soarelui ce rasare
Dimineata pe racoare

Daca va plac florile de camp
Eu va astept cu un gand
Orice propunere de- a ta
Cu drag o voi realiza :)
I love flowers, I love to make flowers crowns and I like playing with words, so I've made also a little poem, unfotunately I found the rhyme only in Romanian language, but I'll detail the meaning of my poem below :

Colorful wild flowers
I braided all in wreaths
Colored mini - roses,
With their tempting smell
Fragile poppies, attractive
With their dizzily sense
Suave daisies
With chic petals,
Artsy cornflowers
Little tiny curative
Sunflower which rises
Early in the morning.

If you like wild flowers
I will look for your thoughts
Any proposal
I will be gladly carry it :)

Because my first creations I gave to my daughters, I attached a photo collage with the little ones.

For other creations, please visit my FB page also

And never forget......." be sure to wear flowers in your hair ", if you miss hippie days :)

marți, 21 iulie 2015

Coliere cu flori de camp

Iubesc vara si chiar daca suntem in mijlocul unui val de caldura, eu ma simt minunat, pentru ca....... zilele sunt pline de albastrul senin al cerului, apusurile de soare sunt de vis, noptile sunt acoperite de stele, pentru ca toata natura e verde si florile multicolore. 
Iubesc campurile cu maci si lanurile de floarea soarelui, iubesc poienitele pline de flori parfumate si .....din atata dragoste, am creat aceste coliere cu iz de vara.
Pentru ca sunt primii care ne coloreaza campiile, macii sunt prezenti in colectia mea de flori crosetate, intr-un superb colier, o brosa si o pereche de cercelusi - boboci de mac.
Recunosc ca mi-a luat ceva timp pana sa creez floarea de mac, dar la final am fost foarte incantata de rezultat, mai ales ca este design propriu ;) Asadar, iata colierul cu flori de mac, ce poate fi purtat si ca accesoriu de par sau curea, lungimea acestuia fiind reglabila. Este un colier statement, acel accesoriu impresionant ce-ti va schimba orice tinuta.

Pentru ca  recent am fost cu fetele mele la munte, unde am cules flori de camp cu care am facut coronite si buchetele pentru buni, am adaugat in colectie, colierul Summer beauty, creat in acelasi stil ca si cel cu flori de mac, cu multiple functionalitati :)
Daca va plac florile de camp, nu se poate sa nu iubiti si floarea soarelui, aceasta floare minunata care ne lumineaza campurile pana la sfarsitul verii. Stiati ca se mai numeste si Rasarita ? Asa am denumit frumosul meu colier cu floarea soarelui, ce poate fi accesorizat si cu o pereche de cercelusi.
Sper ca v-am convins cat de mult iubesc vara si ceea ce-mi poate oferi, si va astept cu noi propuneri cu parfum de flori de camp.
SO......keep calm and love summer!!!!!

miercuri, 15 iulie 2015

Colectia " Etnic "

Stilul etnic, motivele folclorice, influentele aztece sau mexicane......o noua sursa de inspiratie pentru colectia ce va urma.
Desi imprimeurile si accesoriile florale raman in topul preferintelor, purta oriunde si oricand o tinuta cu influente tribale, dar mai ales accesorii; sunt vii, colorate, iti dau un aer misterios si personalitate oricarui outfit.
Asadar, fii indrazneata, ca si mine ;) si poarta accesoriile tribale cu rochii simple, bluze fluide, fuste sau pantaloni de inspiratie etnica si efectul e garantat!!!!!
O prima propunere, ce mi-aduce aminte de drajeurile copilariei Bonibon, este setul " Ethnic dragees ", format din colier si cercelusi asortati.
Realizat din zeci de bilute de lemn, colorate, continuind cu straturi crosetate imbinate neuniform si o margine dantelata.
Designul este unic, din imaginatie proprie, ca de altfel toate creatiile mele ;)
Daca va place, va invit sa urmariti mai departe propunerile mele pentru colectia " Etnic", cu care voi actualiza de fiecare data pagina.

miercuri, 1 iulie 2015

Coliere "Rainbow"

Daca ultimul colier prezentat a fost cel cu ursuletul Teddy, ramanem in aceeasi arie, a figurinelor crosetate, sa va povestesc putin despre colierele cu pandantive..... mai vechi, mai noi.
Am ideea asta in minte de foarte mult timp, dar abia anul trecut am reusit s-o pun in aplicare. Si anume, sa crosetez niste figurine haioase si intr- zi posomorata sa ma insoteasca si sa-mi inveseleasca ziua.
Asa ca, prima pe lista.......papusa Matrioska, o papusa colorata, de toata lumea admirata ;)
Ei bine, da...inca imi mai plac papusile, probabil pentru ca in vremea cand eram copil, n-am avut ....firea mea copilaroasa sau faptul ca sunt inconjurata zilnic de papusile fetitelor mele.....who knows; cert e ca acum am o colectie frumoasa de papusi rusesti si de portelan ;)
Dar sa revin la faimoasa papusa ruseasca, iata mini-colectia mea de coliere " Rainbow Matrioska "

Eu am ales sa le port ca medalioane, dar cu putina imaginatie, aceste figurine iti pot infrumuseta o gentuta , o rochie, o nu de putine ori am surprins privirile admirative sau am primit complimente pentru aceste coliere.
Paleta de culori a fost aleasa dupa preferintele mele, dar ea poate fi extinsa, posibilitatile sunt nenumarate intr-un curcubeu ;)

O alta figurina, foarte draga mie, bufnita.
De ce am ales un medalion bufnita? Pentru ca este o creatura simpatica, cu o bogata simbolistica ce a influentat chiar si marii designeri. Pentru ca purtind un colier cu o bufnita multicolora va fi ca si cum ai purta un talisman aducator de noroc si energie pozitiva. Pentru ca asa cum spun legendele, simbolizeaza intelepciunea si protectia. Asa ca, atunci cand ma simt mai putin norocoasa, aleg sa port unul din colierele Rainbow owl.

Si ultimul personaj din colectia Rainbow....pisicuta multicolora, ideea si culorile alese fiind ale unei mamici, ce m-a rugat sa-i creez un colier pentru alaptare, dar sa aiba si un pisoias atasat. Zis si facut, mamica si micuta ei au fost foarte incantate de colierul Kitty si eu ii multumesc pentru incredere si propunere.

Daca v-au placut figurinele mele, va astept cu noi propuneri.

vineri, 26 iunie 2015

Colier Teddy bear

Ursuletul de plus, probabil cel mai indragit personaj al copilariei, a aparut si in colectia mea de coliere destinate mamicilor. Asadar, sa-i uram bun venit lui Teddy bear, varianta ce nu, la dorinta mamicii purtatoare ;)

Acest accesoriu minunat va fi prietenul de nadejde al micilor poznasi, care stim cu totii bine, cum incep ei sa exploreze mamica in timp ce sunt alaptati ;) Tocmai de aceea m-am gandit sa-l fac mai atractiv si l-am creat pe un inel de lemn usor de prins cu degetelele. Pentru un plus de armonie am adaugat si o floricica, astfel ca atunci cand vrem sa renuntam la ursulet, ramanem cu un colier vesel si colorat.

Si iata colierul Teddy bear in varianta finala. Culorile si posibilitatile de asortare sunt nenumarate, asa ca va astept facem o colectie intreaga de ursuleti.
 Intre timp va invit sa cititi si istoria ursuletului de plus Teddy, ale carui origini se pare ca sunt in America, dar si despre aparitia lui in Europa, mai exact in Germania. Citind aceasta poveste, mi-am adus aminte de calatoria mea la Berlin, cand am descoperit o multime de vitrine cu ursuleti, cu o parte dintre ei m-am si pozat ;) La vremea aceea nu stiam ca exista o poveste, dar mi-a placut ideea, se pare ca e chiar un simbol al orasului.

Povestea ursuletului Teddy