miercuri, 8 iunie 2016

Santorini blue inspiration

Summer has come and more and more we are day dreaming at holiday, in the mountain, to the sea or other exotic places that we need so much to recharge our batteries; but until then, I invite you to spend a day in an enchanting place, an island in the Aegean Sea, where old and new blend perfectly in an unique style ... .guess where, in Santorini island. A magic place with spectacular beaches, landscapes, ancient cities, great restaurants and a still active volcano, and well-known blue domes of Santorini which are delicated mixed with white traditional houses.
With these thoughts and memories, I've made two creations for the contest Santorini blue, on the site Crafty, and still working on the third ...... but until then ....

The first item was inspired by red beach in Santorini, probably one of the most spectacular beaches in Greece.

What could be nicer than a morning walk and a coffee, admiring the beautiful chromatic scenery; it is a true visual spectacle and a little bit scary I could say......the green - turquoise - blue colours of the sea that blends harmoniously with the red sand, surrounded by walls of reddish volcanic rocks.
All of these I 've assembled in this beautiful crocheted accessory, adding also a few shells and stones picked up just on the Aegean coast. For extra shine, I inserted some fine sand beads, in the same colors with yarns.

Initially I was thinking to make a neck necklace, but you know I like 2 in 1 accessories , therefore I've made a longer cord, so that it can be used as a belt ... .why not? The earrings were made as the  wavy lines of the sea and they are perfectly matching this unique and original set.
                                                                      Red beach set

If the sun is too hot in the afternoon and we don't want to spend our holiday suffering from burns and headaches, I invite you to a shopping session, because Santorini is a shopper's paradise.
About this, I'll tell you later... I hope next days when I'll finish the third workpiece for the contest.

And finally ... the evening is coming and whether you would like to see the sunset on the beach, or you 'd like to feel the absolute freedom and have fun in traditional Greek style, Santorini offers you wonderful places for unforgettable evenings with nice memories. For such an evening, I've created the set Chain of life, consisting of a necklace and a pair of earrings that suits perfectly to a casual, feminine attire, ideal for a dream atmosphere.
                                                                 Chain of life set
The colors of this set were not chosen by chance, turquoise and gold can be found in my lovely dress, bought some years ago from Santorini; the dress was also my inspiration source for this set. The starting point was the pattern on the dress embroidered with golden thread, an ancient Greek symbol originate in Santorini,  the running spiral. This symbol appears frequently on painted walls of Thera and altars of Akrotiri and represents eternity, infinity, endlessness, called chain of life without beggining or ending.
Well......my chain is not like these spirals endlessness, because it has a beggining and ending, and it's like a geometrical balanced shape as life without balance don't brings you that inner harmony that we all need.

So, here are my Santorini blue creations, I hope you'll like them and we'll hearing soon with new summer items :)

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