joi, 24 septembrie 2015

Nursing necklaces - part II

About this time one year ago, I've creted my first necklace for breastfeeding and this thanks to my sister, who recently became a mother and she was very curious to test a necklace like this.
Having an eternal passion for flowers, of course I didn't have great confidence that something will come out of those crocheted balls, yeah ..... I thought, a necklace with colored balls, whatever, do it and move on with my flowers................but it was not so;)
After a little research about how it should look, their functionality and after I've seen the miracles from russian hands, the project began to take shape and one by one I imagined what can I do with these wooden beads; you must know that each necklace has a story, there are not simply strung beads, stories that you'll find in this blog; here is the beggining of the story, part I
I am very excited about this project, I proud myself that almost all of my nursing necklaces are original, with a few exceptions where I inspired and not copied, as others do.
The ideas came and inspired me by moment, most of them from what I like most: live nature with flowers, fruits and butterflies, sweets of all kinds, specific themes for every season, but I must say that I received also, beautiful ideas from moms and I thank them for that.
Also colors, I have to say something about color, if I brag myself now; I always liked to mix colors  ..... in my outfits, decorating my house (who has been there, knows that;)),  in food,  anywhere and anytime, colors are part of my life. I can not say that I've studied a colors theory, but my artistic spirit helped me every time :)
So, my necklaces are not just breastfeeding necklaces, they are creations with soul, passion and love for handmade art.
Enough bragging, let's post what I worked in the meantime:

Colier " Chip & Dale "

The story of my nursing necklaces will continues, I still have many colorful surprises for you, and of course I'm waiting for your proposals.
Being an anniversary post, I would like to thank all those who appreciated my creations, with some of you we met face to face, others only virtually, but even so, my dear moms, you are great for what you do and give away !!!!
SO ... keep Babywearing and go on !!!!

luni, 14 septembrie 2015

Necklace " Autumn bouquet "

It's autumn outside, but not in my soul
Only the rustle leaves that fall gently, always saddens me
But no I'm no sad at all, because autumn brings with it
Thousands of warm colors and wealth everywhere.

Yes, according to calendar, it began the fall season and we take full advantage of what offers us this charming season.
From beautiful landscapes and multicolored harvest, to the first day of school with all kinds of emotions. Because nature and flowers were always, my best source of inspiration,I created a beautiful necklace for fall collection; a multicolored  bouquet with the most representative autumn flowers, aster or callistephus.

I'm in love with these flowers since I was a child and I was playing in grandparents' garden, a garden full of colors and many flowers as asters and dahlias.
Known as the aster (star) or Callistephus (the most beautiful crown), this flower symbolizes fidelity, grace, strength and love.
There are so many legends about the appearance of these flowers on earth, considered sacred flower for Greek and Roman gods; one of this legends said that Asteria (goddess of stars) started to cry, being upset that earth didn't have stars; so, her tears turned into aster flowers.

From legends since today, it says that this flower could be offer to someone you love and appreciate her elegance, but also patience ..... an essential element when creating something.
So, with great care and patience, from my love to flowers and colors and from my handmade passion, it appeared necklace "Autumn bouquet"; a necklace that will brighten any dreary autumn day;
very important thing, as all my creations , this necklace is unique and original;)

I hope you liked the story behind this necklace and I'm always waiting for new proposals 

marți, 8 septembrie 2015

Mariuca si Maya - BFF

La inceputul verii am primit o propunere, foarte interesanta, in prima faza am fost tentata sa renunt, dar dupa ce am primit si alte detalii si in special mesajul acestei propuneri, am acceptat, iar acum la final, sunt foarte incantata de rezultat.

Tema era asa : doua papusi crosetate, cu alura de bebelus, dar stilizate intr-un anumit fel; cuvintele cheie : prietenie, amprenta personala, doua bebeluse superbe Mariuca si Maya, un wrap cu balene ( la final balena a fost delfin ), pantalonasi indian style si un tutu turcoaz; acesta din urma l-am ochit eu cautind indicii ;), iar mamica a fost de acord.
Mi-a luat ceva timp sa ma gandesc cum sa incep, de unde, avind in vedere ca n-am mai crosetat papusi pana acum, iar modelele crosetate de pe net pur si simplu nu m-au inspirat; dar ca de fiecare data, mi-am lasat imaginatia sa zboare si cu cateva idei gasite ici de colo, am ajuns la final.
Asadar, iata-le pe cele doua papusi, prietene, ce vor sta departe una de cealalta, dar pe care distanta nu le va desparti.

Papusa balerina Mariuca, micuta si sfioasa, ce in curind va incepe o noua viata undeva prin America de Sud.
 Si micuta creola Maya,  papusa exotica ce va ramane pe plaiurile romanesti.

Am facut prezentarile, sper ca cele doua papusi sa transmita mesajul de prietenie pe care si l-a dorit mamica uneia dintre fetite si va las la final niste versuri frumoase gasite pe net, potrivite pentru tema ce-am avut-o.

" Prietenia-i ca o floare/Si poate rezista in timp,
   De are apa si mult soare/Traieste-n orice anotimp.
   Prietenia-i o poveste/Miracol fara de sfarsit,
   E raza blanda, sus, pe creste/ Lumina-n visul nesfarsit.
   Prietenia-i un tezaur/Pastrat in inima pe veci,
   E bulgare de tainic, aur/Si foc nestins in zile reci"

So.....keep calm because friendship is magic !!!!!